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North Tahoe Arts' mission is to provide diverse, immersive art experiences for all. We provide a comprehensive mix of visual arts programs that engage local residents, second home-owners and visitors. Our two artisan shops, monthly exhibits, art camps, workshops and events provide a source of income for local artists and art teachers. As the only comprehensive visual arts non-profit in North Tahoe, NTA fills a cultural gap in our outdoor-oriented community.


Community Impact

Our two galleries enjoy over 15,000 visitors each year. While many of these are tourists, NTA has a loyal following of regional, part-time and permanent residents who appreciate high quality, handmade art at reasonable prices. Between both galleries, about 35 local artists display and sell their work. We also host 25 - 30 guest artists each  year.


Our Kids Art Camps serve about 150 children each summer in six sessions during July/August. Each session was fully booked with a waiting list. Six to ten scholarships are awarded each year,  which extends the benefit of this key program to those who would not otherwise have had the opportunity.


Family Art Days provide local families with a fun, free art experience in their own neighborhood, at our Kings Beach Art Center.



Our signature fundraiser, Art in the Tahoe Garden, takes place every August where guests enjoy a festive, artful day in the unmatched beauty of two North Tahoe lakeside gardens. With over 30 participating local artists and unique raffle prizes, this free event is a must-go venue. 


North Tahoe Arts has earned a Gold Seal of Transparency with @CandidDotOrg. We participate in Give Back Tahoe, a community-based giving platform hosted by the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation.


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The Sierra Artists Network was established in North Tahoe in 1985 as a means for local artists to meet, network and gather together to sell their art. The original group consisted of 7 members including founder Madeline Bohanon. The organization has since evolved into North Tahoe Arts, becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 1990. Our mission is to increase community exposure and access to the arts in Truckee and North Lake Tahoe. We invite you to view and participate in the arts through exhibits, workshops, camps, and special events that take place at our Tahoe City Artisan shop and new King's Beach Art Center. â€‹


NTA is supported by a network of volunteers who run our programs and galleries and the generous support of our members and donors. You can support NTA through membership or donations at anytime. Donations and membership fees directly support all of North Tahoe Arts' programs and general operating expenses.

NTA Statement of Inclusion

 North Tahoe Arts is committed to respecting, supporting and providing equal opportunity and inclusion for our guests, artists, and visitors to the North Tahoe community regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, age, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, language, national origin, ancestry, intellectual development, physical ability, or socio-economic status. Additionally, we work to reflect these values of inclusion through our policies, programs, attitudes and actions.

North Tahoe Arts is a 501(c)(3) with a mission to create diverse, immersive art experiences for all.


Thanks to our Sponsors

North Tahoe Arts
PO Box 6354
Tahoe City, CA 96145
Artisan Shop
380 North Lake Blvd.
Tahoe City, CA 96145
(530) 581-2787

Open 11am-4pm

North Tahoe Art Center

8731 North Lake Blvd.
Kings Beach, CA 96143
(530) 553-1392

11am-4pm -Friday -  Monday

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